The Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway (FORTAG) is proposed as
a 30-mile regional network of paved recreational trails and greenways connecting communities to open space.

FORTAG will facilitate active transportation - expanding our region's opportunities for traveling between home, work, and commercial areas
by foot, bike, or wheelchair.

FORTAG is part of the larger effort to address climate change by reducing vehicle miles travelled under the Monterey County Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) and the California Climate Action Plan for Transportation
Infrastructure (CAPTI)


Latest news: (See also TAMC FORTAG page)

May 2024: Groundbreaking ceremony for FORTAG Segment 1 in Del Rey Oaks and Seaside.

2024: FORTAG Segment 4 in development - from Laguna Grande to Fremont Boulevard.

Dec, 2022: FORTAG Segment 3 fully funded - from Marina Equestian Center to Jerry Smith Trailhead - funded by Federal Highways Administration and TAMC Measure X.

Dec, 2022: FORTAG Segment 2 fully funded - along California Avenue and near Marina Equestian Center - funded by California Active Transportation Program and TAMC Measure X.

May, 2021: Web page for Segment 1 in Canyon Del Rey with interactive map for feedback

February 2021 - FORTAG Segment 1 final outreach & final design commences with consultant team led by GHD

March to June 2020 - FORTAG Final Environmental Impact Report certified and
FORTAG Master Agreement approved by TAMC Board, MPRPD, Monterey County, and the Cities of Del Rey Oaks, Monterey, Seaside, and Marina.

January 2019 - $10.3M in additional state funding secured for FORTAG via grant awarded to TAMC by the California Transportation Commission. Grant covers Canyon Del Rey segments from Fremont to Carlton, and a connection up Carlton into Seaside along Plumas.

November 2016: $20M in funding for FORTAG approved by Monterey County voters as part of the county-wide Transportation Investment and Safety Plan, enabled by Measure X.

Unofficial master map - 28 May 2021 (for latest official map, see here)